
Acheron & Styxx: House of Didymos

Created by Sherrilyn McQueen

Acheron & Styxx took the world by storm. Now, fifteen years later, the immortal twins are united for the first time into a single set.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Email Update
over 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 06:28:17 PM

Since we're traveling so much this fall, we wanted to make sure that Backers and others had the best contact email for us so that you can get answers right away. Please use [email protected] or [email protected] Those are the emails we monitor every day and will get you a much quicker response than using the Kickstarter message system. We want to make sure that everyone gets answers ASAP.

Thank you so much!

And as a little teaser, here's another piece of art that has come in for the novels:

Thanks again,


Items are being ordered and are arriving
over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 05, 2022 at 12:31:51 AM

Wanted to let everyone know that we are in the process of ordering items for the boxes and Sherri is almost done with the editing for the first volume! Go, Sherri, go.

Everything is on track for a timely delivery beginning in January 2023.

We have most of the new art in for the books. Here's a small sample:

Mel Joy has really outdone herself and we are so happy with what she's designed.

And for those who are curious, here's a sample of what will be mailed out with monthly Paladin boxes:

That is the Jaden ornament for Dec 2023.

If you need to check your order, please visit:

And you can still order some items here:


Preorders Reopened for a Short Time
over 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 10:07:38 PM

We have received so many requests from fans who missed the Kickstarter that we have  decided to reopen the Preorder store for a few weeks. It will only be a short time and we will be charging credit cards daily. We still have a few backers whose cards were declined, this gives you more time to update your pledge information and pay. Please take note our email has changed, if you need to reach us use  [email protected]. Thank you guys so much for supporting this project and continuing to pass the word to your friends and family. Jake and Kim 

Credit cards for BackerKit PreOrders have been processed. Directions below if your card was declined.
over 2 years ago – Sat, Aug 06, 2022 at 10:29:27 AM

Hello everyone! 

We have locked and charged all of the BackerKit PreOrders. There are several backers whose credit cards were declined. You were sent an email from Backerkit if that applies to you. You still have time to update your card information. Go directly to BackerKit (not Kickstarter) to do so.

There are backers who have paid for their pledges, but not completed their BackerKit surveys to provide their mailing address and/or email address. 

There are still bouncing emails and Apple Relay ID emails that we have not been able to contact. All we can do is wait for you to reach out to us.

Email us directly at [email protected] if you need assistance in making updates or have questions. Thank you again for supporting our project.

Jake and Kim

Final Pledge and Pre-Order Lockdown on July 31, 2022
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 07:40:13 AM

Hello everyone! We will be locking the Kickstarter Pledges and Backerkit Pre-Orders on July 31, 2022.

If your original Kickstarter pledge payment failed, you have a few more days to update your payment information using your Backerkit Survey link to provide new credit card details to keep your pledge.

We will begin processing credit cards for Backerkit additions and pre-orders on August 1, 2022. All failed Kickstarter pledges after the lock down are subject to be cancelled. You must pre-order and provide payment for any hardbacks and trade paperbacks before we lock down.

There are backers who have paid for their pledges, but not completed their BackerKit surveys to provide their mailing address and/or email address. There are still a few bouncing emails and Apple Relay ID emails that we have not been able to contact.

Email us directly at [email protected] if you need assistance or have questions. Thank you for supporting our project.
