
Acheron & Styxx: House of Didymos

Created by Sherrilyn McQueen

Acheron & Styxx took the world by storm. Now, fifteen years later, the immortal twins are united for the first time into a single set.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 04:36:31 AM

I have to apologize for the newsletter and posts I just sent out. I had two folders made up. One for 72 hours and one for 48. Guess which one I accidentally chose today? I was thinking it was already June 1st. That sneaky 31st day of the month crept in and I forgot the old poem (I know. I should have looked at my calendar).

So for everyone who got my emails and posts, we have one extra day to get pledges in. I own my mistake and deeply apologize for it.  But that means that I won't be sending out the 48 hour posts as I don't want to spam anyone.

That being said, we are nearing the final stages of the Kickstarter and we are prepping the surveys to go out. 

This has been really exciting for all of us. We've learned a lot and continue to search for more fun and unique items to add to the boxes. Remember, the more money we raise, the more funds we have to improve the books and the freebies for everyone!

So check those last minute pledges. We still have time to meet stretch goals. After all, we met the campaign goal in less than 72 hours. We can meet all those stretch goals, too!


4 Days And Couting!
about 2 years ago – Tue, May 31, 2022 at 06:12:25 PM

We are preparing the Backerkit surveys to go out in four days when the campaign ends and have had several meetings with our fulfillment partners. So far, everything is on track to ship on time!

We're still getting emails from backers wanting to know how to add the fifth volume on to their pledge. To do that, you'll have to click the green "manage my pledge" button (some browsers might have different language, but it will be similar to "manage my pledge"). You'll have to reselect your original pledge tier (all pledge tiers are still available) and then select the fifth volume as an add on. If you can't get this done at this time, don't worry. We will have one last chance for you to add the fifth volume on when we send out the survey at the end of the campaign. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!

Thanks so much! We can't wait to get this into production and into your hands!

Slipcovers vs. dust jackets
about 2 years ago – Fri, May 27, 2022 at 12:29:18 AM

For clarification, the books will have dust jackets for them. Dust jackets are the artwork that wraps around the book itself. 

An example, not what will be on the Kickstarter books

Slipcovers are the boxes that hold the books. Those who bought the previous DH set have one that looks like this:

Several fans have emailed us, wanting to know if slipcovers for this set could be sold separately once the campaign ends if we fail to make the stretch goal (if we make the stretch goal, they will be provided for free). We are contacting the printer for a quote to see how much that would be, but to help us get a more realistic idea of how much they'd cost, we'd like to hear from everyone who is interested in purchasing a slipcover for the set if we fail to make the stretch goal. 

This is the mock-up of the slipcase that would fit all five volumes:

Mock-up. Not the final version

Please let up know if you'd be interested in purchasing one.



about 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 06:19:47 AM

We have Glass House Graphics back on board to do our illustrations for the novels! Those who are familiar with my Marvel Lords of Avalon comics, Simi's ABCs and New York Times bestselling Dark-Hunters manga have seen their work and know just how incredibly awesome it is! I can't wait to see what they come up with as they have never disappointed me yet with their incredible work.

For those unfamiliar, here is a sample of what they've done in the past:

Survey - Please read
about 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 05:58:24 AM

We were just notified by a backer that a survey has been sent out to our backers without our knowledge or permission. We have no idea where this is coming from and it is "not" being sent out by us, nor are we asking this information from you. If you receive this email please "do not" respond:

Thanks for backing our project.
Please click on the link below to complete your order and help us build a better product:

The Sherrilyn Kenyon Team 

As all of you know, we absolutely never refer to ourselves as The Sherrilyn Kenyon Team. Your information is secure and safe and we are protecting it. But we wanted to let you know that we are not asking for any information regarding your purchase at this time, so please ignore any survey you receive. We will be posting here and on the main campaign back to let you know when we send them out. Our surveys are being handled by Backerkit.

Thank you,

Jake, Kim, Lara, Carl, Madaug and crew.