Surveys are heading to backers
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 08:53:05 PM
The surveys are going out to all backers. If you were a backer and had a problem with your pledge, you will be able to fix it on the survey. You will also be able to add new items. You'll also need to add your address (for those who have pledges that require shipping). Please make sure you fill out your survey and return it to us as soon as possible.
For those who missed the campaign (or who had trouble with their payments) and are interested in purchasing the Acheron/Styxx combination anniversary edition (or the 5th volume), you can now do so on this PREORDER page. Please note that the preorder page is only for those who didn't back the campaign or who had trouble with their payments.
If you backed the campaign and wish to add items, please wait on the survey and order new items through the survey.
If you have any questions about the incomplete pledges, please email us: [email protected].
For those asking about the slipcases, we don't have that information yet. We're waiting to hear back from the printing company for an estimate. We'll let you know as soon as we know something.First, let us say a huge and heartfelt thank you to all our backers! Thanks to you, the campaign was a huge and resounding success!
Thanks again to all our wonderful backers!
Kim, Jake, Madaug, Hinako, Carl, Kate & company
Preorders & Surveys
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 08:20:48 PM
Again, thank you to everyone who came together to make this a success! We so appreciate all of you!
A number of backers have reached out to let us know that they missed the payment deadline, and a few others are asking if they can pledge now that the campaign is over. The answer to both is YES!
If you look at the image below, you'll see that the page now contains an orange button. In the next few days, we'll be sending out the survey (we have to perform a smoke test with a few backers to make sure it's working properly) and we'll have the preorder page up and running then.
Anyone who had a pledge mix-up or who wishes to join the campaign, renew a lost pledge, or place a first time order will be able to do so on the preorder page.
Please note that we can only run preorders for a few weeks before we have to close them and make a final order. So anyone who wishes to order, please be ready. We will give plenty of notice before we close the preorders, but we did want everyone to know that they won't be open until the release of the books. We have to have a final count in to the printer and we're awaiting their cut-off date to get the books in print and in the hands of all the waiting backers. That will be the cut-off date for placing new orders/preorders.
We are so thrilled to be able to bring this to readers! Y'all are the absolute best!
Kim, Jake, Hinako, Madaug & crew!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 08:41:39 PM
According to Kickstarter, there are still a few more payment issues from backers to be resolved. Once Kickstarter has finished collecting pledges, which we are told could take up to fourteen days from the close of the campaign (June 17), then we will send out the survey from Backerkit. Hopefully, those payment issues will be resolved quicker and we can move on to the next phase.
We know everyone is anxious to get their surveys and we're anxious to send them out, but we have to have all the backers finalized before we can proceed with that as we don't want to do duplicate mailings.
Those who are now noticing that their pledges aren't correct, don't worry. You will have a chance to order anything that is missing once the survey goes out and we have the preorder page in place. All items from the campaign will be there, so you'll be able to order whatever additional products you're missing or that you wanted. We'll keep the preorder page open as long as we can, but it will have to be closed once we go into production as we don't want to sell more than we produce. We don't know the exact date yet when it'll be closed, but we will give everyone as much notice as we can prior to closing down the preorder site.
So please bear with us as Kickstarter collects the last pledges and finalizes their part. Then we'll be in the hands of Backerkit.
Kim & Jake
Pledges & Payments for Kickstarter
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 01:21:52 AM
Hi everyone,
Kickstarter is finally charging everyone for their pledges. As they are going through, we are hearing from some backers that they aren't being charged for the tier they thought they'd pledged and are concerned that they missed out on getting what they wanted. Please don't panic. First, we're very sorry that your pledges didn't go through or that you had any problems whatsoever as we wanted this to go smoothly for everyone. Sadly, we have no control over the payment system and cannot make any changes to it whatsoever.
Please don't worry if you are missing an item on your pledge that you thought you'd added and it isn't there. You will have the chance to add any new items in the next few days when Backerkit takes over the order fulfillment part and sends out our survey and then opens a preorder site. Others who didn't back the project will also have a limited time to join the project and preorder items as well.
For those who need to change credit card information, you should be able to do that under your profile/account section on Kickstarter.
If you're having any trouble with your pledge such as it was canceled for a fraud alert, or have any questions regarding payments or your credit card charges, please contact Kickstarter as they are the only ones who have control over the payment system: Again, we don't have any control over they payment system and cannot make any changes whatsoever to any pledge, charge or credit card transaction.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
Again, we want this to be a wonderful experience for everyone. Please bear with us as we fine tune the system.
Payment Questions
over 2 years ago
– Sun, Jun 05, 2022 at 12:05:17 AM
Since we're still getting so many payment questions flooding in, we wanted to answer them in one place for everyone.
We have absolutely no access to anyone's payment information. All credit cards are run through Kickstarter and none of that information is released to us. They alone are processing everyone's information through their payment platform. What we have been told is that they will take up to two weeks from the end of the campaign (June 3) to process orders. We don't know what exact day they will process any particular order or where we fall in their processing schedule.
Those who need to update credit card information will need to contact Kickstarter directly as that is the only way to change it, or to look in your "account settings" under PAYMENT METHODS. Update your credit card information there. If that doesn't work, then you will have to contact Kickstarter as only Kickstarter can help you with their system.
For those asking about the shipping schedule, it is still posted on our Kickstarter campaign page. Items will be shipped out the first week of the corresponding month of those planned shipments. We do not foresee any delays at this time, but should there be any supply or shipping problems, we will update everyone as soon as we become aware of them.
Anyone who missed the campaign (or who wishes to add more items) will still be able to preorder books or other items once we have the preorder page up. We are working diligently to get that up as soon as possible.
Thanks for you understanding and you support!