
Acheron & Styxx: House of Didymos

Created by Sherrilyn McQueen

Acheron & Styxx took the world by storm. Now, fifteen years later, the immortal twins are united for the first time into a single set.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Books, books and more books
over 1 year ago – Sat, May 27, 2023 at 03:51:08 PM

First, we want to let everyone know how much we appreciate everyone being patient during the Acheron/Styxx campaign. We know how anxious everyone is to get their orders and we are working night and day to fulfill them just as fast as we can.

To answer some FAQs that keep coming in:

Where is my tracking number?

You will receive a tracking number when your package is mailed. Your order for the first two volumes is in the queue with several thousand others. We are processing those thousands of books just as fast as we can.

Because of all our wonderful Paladins who pledged the campaign, we are shipping over ten thousand copies of books with a very small staff. We really wish we were Amazon with tens of thousands of employees, but our staff and volunteers are every bit as dedicated to getting the books to you just as fast as is humanly possible. 

Unfortunately, it will take us weeks to unpack all the ordered books, have them signed, pack the orders, ship the orders, and carry the packages to the post office. They are being processed in waves as fast as possible by our small staff. We really wish we could provide an ETA, but there’s just no way to do so. And please remember that we’re making multiple runs to the post office where we are handing over five hundred to one thousand pounds of books at a time. Because we are handing off hundreds of packages weighing hundreds and hundreds of pounds, it sometimes takes the postal workers time to get everything scanned in and moving (we also have a small post office). So if you see the “label” printed message on your tracking, it doesn’t mean the PO doesn’t have it (although it might still be in the truck headed to the PO), but it could also mean that it’s sitting in a bin and will be scanned into the system shortly. Sometimes it will take a few hours or even a day or two once a label has been scanned to be updated in their system.

Because this task is so monumental, we are asking for Paladins to please withhold emails until we get the last of the books shipped. We are getting so many emails from people wanting tracking information that is available from the post office or for orders that have not been shipped yet (or about swag) or orders that have been recently placed (many of them haven’t even been charged for those new orders yet) that it is taking us as many as five hours a day to look up and answer those questions. We don’t want anyone to feel slighted in any way as we value each and every one of you and we want to answer all your questions, but we really would like to focus on getting as many books out a day as we can.

Please note that if you place a new order for anything physical, it may take one to two weeks before your card is billed and your order will be placed at the end of the queue. For those who order ebooks, a link for your download will be sent to you after your card is charged (again, this could take up to a week or two).

We do have ONE exception to the email request. If you are moving to a new address, please, please email the following details to us as fast as you can at [email protected]

  • Order number
  • email that you used when you backed the campaign
  • name that you used when you backed the campaign
  • old address 
  • new address
  • dates you are moving. 

Please do not attempt to change the address on your own (we really appreciate you wanting to be helpful). However, those orders that were locked, will not update on our end and we won’t see it before we ship your items. The only way to make sure your address is updated is to email us [email protected]

About the Swag

All swag orders are being shipped in a small envelope sent via USPS first class mail. There is no tracking number for swag and because it’s first class, it will take a little longer to get there. Please be patient as we are shipping swag in waves with the books.

We have a good system down and have made huge inroads into getting all orders fulfilled, but we still have a mountain of books to go. 

We will post an update when the last order of books and/or swag is shipped. If you haven’t seen that update on the Kickstarter page: Then please know that we are busy at work, trying to complete the orders as fast as we can. We’re even working this holiday weekend. 

Please note that at this time, we are unable to provide refunds. Pledging a Kickstarter campaign is not the same as purchasing a product from a store. The money you pledged for your items was spent to produce the books and swag, to pay the artist, buy packaging materials, pay shipping, pay formatting and editing, processing fees, federal and state tax, book storage, shipping, etc. Because that money has been spent, we cannot refund it. 

Likewise, we are not able to upgrade or downgrade your order at this time. The fulfillment systems are not equipped to handle such requests. 

That being said, if you wish to make an all-new order for items that are still available, you can   do so as long as they’re listed on the site:

Again, thank you so much for being part of the incredible campaign. We are grateful for each and every one of you and we want to get your books and swag into your hands just as soon as possible. 

Thank you,

Jake, Kim and crew

Where's my box?
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 05, 2023 at 05:30:25 PM

So sorry for this redundant update, but we've received a large number of emails from people who are wanting to know where their boxes are and when they can expect them. We wanted everyone to understand that Sherri has to sign every single copy before it can be shipped. By hand. That means that Sherri is having to personally sign well over 10,000 books by hand. 

All boxes have to be opened and inspected. Each book signed, then to protect your book, we are wrapping each copy in thick paper and bubblewrap. Then they are placed in boxes to be shipped. We have already shipped hundreds of books. But there are thousands more to go and we are working night and day to get them out.

So that we can get the books mailed faster, we are asking for your help. Please be patient as we do this and limit the emails we're being sent. We are having to pull two to three of our key members off the task of shipping  in order to answer all the emails we are being sent and the #1 question is:Where's my book? Why hasn't it been shipped?

We want to remind everyone that we are a small staff and in order for Sherri to sign the books, we were not able to use a distribution warehouse. Everyone wanted their books signed and this was the only way to accomplish that. If we had hired a third party to distribute them, Sherri would not have been able to sign them.

During this time, we are asking for your patience and cooperation so that everyone can get their books as quickly as possible.


Where's my ebook? Or where's my email with my link?

Please check your spam folder first. Sometimes our emails are sent there. Next, you can access your pledge manager and find the link to your ebook there. You can access the survey/pledge manager here: 

If there's no ebook link in either of those places, please check your order before contacting us. If you "only" ordered Volume 5 of the set, please be aware that those books are not ready yet. Neither are Volumes 3 or 4. The only Volumes that have been sent out as ebooks are Volumes 1 & 2. 

Also be aware that sometimes during the pledge process, orders didn't take place or were switched during the preorder process by backers who fine-tuned their orders. Some thought they ordered the ebooks with physical books, but the final order that was placed was for one or the other. Again, your survey will tell you the exact order that went through and what you were charged for, you can find that here: 

If you thought you bought ebooks (or physical books) and then realized that you didn't, you can still make a new order at our BackerKit store:

For those who ordered ebooks, we are again requesting you to please limit the questions sent to us, especially for tech support. That was one of the reasons we didn't want to send out ebooks until after we'd sent out the physical books. We were aware that a large percentage of backers would need or want help and that providing that tech support would drastically slow down our shipping. 

For those of you who are having problems downloading your files into your various devices, please see the previous updates where we have provided explicit instructions and screen shots. There are also a number of wonderful backers who have stepped forward to volunteer their expertise in helping backers who have had issues. Those are located in the comments sections of the updates.

I received an email with tracking for my books, but not my ebooks. Or, I received my email with the ebook link, but not an email with shipping information about my books? What's going on?

Backers who bought both ebooks and books will receive different emails about the fulfillment. The book tracking information will be completely separate from the email containing a download link for ebooks. 

Please remember that we are shipping in waves. All orders have been batched to make fulfillment as fast as possible. All ebooks links have been sent. Again, please check your survey/pledge manager and SPAM folders if you don't have it (and verify that you purchased ebooks) before you contact us. Your shipping information will be sent to you once your books are packed and shipped.

I only bought swag or I qualified for free items I'm waiting on. Where are they?

These, too, are being mailed in waves and are going out regular mail. You will receive an email to let you know when they've been mailed, but there won't be a tracking number included. 

Lastly, we ask backers not to email our Etsy store for information about the Kickstarter. If you need to contact us, please use: [email protected] That is the fastest way for us to see and answer your emails. 

Thank you so much for your support and understanding. We appreciate and value every backer. and we want you to be happy with your rewards!

eBook information
over 1 year ago – Thu, May 04, 2023 at 03:15:52 PM

First, we want to thank all our backers. You guys are wonderful and we're very grateful for you.

There have been a lot of questions that have come in over the last 24 hours and we want to address them as best we can. 

For those who preordered the ebooks, your books have been sent. Those who have placed orders over the last few days, we are still processing your orders. The processing time takes roughly 10-14 days (it can be longer depending on responses from backers). What takes so long is that we have to verify you haven't already placed an order. There have been a number of backers who have forgotten they bought ebooks months ago, and then reordered again. Since we don't want to charge someone twice for the same thing, we have to look up emails to verify them against previous orders. 

Once we're sure it's a "new/original" order, then we have to manually run credit cards. The timing for that depends on your credit card company. If there are no issues and the payment goes through, your email will go out to you soon afterwards. If there is an email issue or payment issue, we will do our best to contact you through email. We cannot process your order until we hear back from you and that will delay the order being fulfilled.

So, if you place a new order for ebooks, please be aware that it could take 10-14 days to fulfill your order (hopefully a lot less).

And even though we tried to find the easiest delivery for ebooks, there have been problems with some backers not being able to open the files. This seems to be a Kindle problem (Kindle has only recently started using .epub files).

If you're having trouble, here are the suggestions other backers have sent in.

If the cover of the books isn't showing up, please hit refresh as it sometimes takes time for the cover to load in. 

This is a suggestion from a backer about downloading into Kindle:

The first picture with the download button, you may be familiar with.  It is where I was sent when I clicked the link in the email. 

There are  two download buttons and you would to do it twice. Hold down on  the download and the second picture shows the options that pop up. 

You  would then click share and the last picture shows my options. 

The kindle  app is one of the options, I just clicked it. It took a couple of  minutes and then it was in my library on the kindle app.

Another backer sent this in:

For starters I did most of this from my phone so there are kind of a few shots and I'll explain as I go.

First  thing I did was click the link to to retrieve from the original email.  It opens in a new browser tab and it gives you two download links, one  per book. 

Next I went to my Amazon account and viewed the section in the settings for Manage Content and Devices. Next you'll need to go to the section drop down for Personal Document Settings.

There  you will see a section that is for Approved Personal Email Document  List - basically emails your Kindle will accept submissions from.  Here you add the email address you're going to use  to send the books to your kindle.

In that same  area you will see what the email address is for your Kindle. (For me it  was just above the section where you add your preferred email to send  from.) From there you will use the email you added as an approved email  to send the book as an attachment to your kindle email you see listed.  So with 2 books they should send 2 emails, one with each book as an  attachment, to their kindle email address.

Next  you will likely get an email from Kindle/Amazon wanting to confirm that  the submission is valid for security purposes and you just click to  verify. 

I can say I have the  Kindle App on my phone and a Kindle Fire and has shown up on both so it  shouldn't have to be sent multiple times or if they have multiple  locations they read from.

If these steps don't work, please download and reinstall the "send to Kindle" App. Then, try the above steps again. If you're still having trouble, please contact Amazon as they should be able to identify why the files aren't working on your device.

Should you need help from us, please email us directly at: [email protected] Include your name, the email you used for the product/purchase and the device type you're trying to download into. 

We hope that helps.

Addresses, please read
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 02, 2023 at 12:44:32 PM

The books are in the process of being shipped to backers. If you have had a recent change in address or if you need to update the one you used when you backed the Acheron/Styxx collector's book, please contact us immediately at [email protected] with your current address. 

Thank you,

Sheri, Kim, Jake & crew

The first half of the books are in!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 03:51:31 PM

Half the books are in. Yay!! But please be aware that it will take some time to unbox and sign all of these. We will get them out just as soon as we can.

All orders for books, ebooks and swag will be filled in waves. The shipments will include cards and bookmarks for the first two volumes. Patches, invitations et al will also be shipped along with these. Those who bought ebooks will be sent a separate email with a link to download your purchase. Again, these emails will out in waves as we get to your order.

We do have some copies that are looking for a good home.

If you have any questions about your order, please email us directly at: [email protected]

For everyone waiting for info on Books & BBQ Oct 27-28, registration is now open. Click here to join us. The event hotel is in Peachtree City, GA and we will have a block with discounted rooms. The hotel is in the process of setting up the code and a registration link. As soon as we have it, we will send it out.

The event itself will be in Newnan where Tina Cannon films her shows and such. Transportation will be provided or you are free to drive if you prefer. All attendees will be sent home with a free bottle of Simi Sauce (as well as lots of other goodies).

For those who can't join us to get their free bottle, the Simi Sauce manufacturer is working on a store link. As soon as we have it, we will let everyone know that, too.

Next Kickstarter Campaign Will Launch at Noon (EDT) on May 2

To make sure that you're notified as soon as we open, please visit: We will have early bird discounts that you won't want to miss. Fans have been waiting years and years for this special tarot deck. We're almost there. Just a couple more weeks! Please sign up to be notified the moment we launch!