Volumes 3 & 4 are in! (mostly)
7 months ago
– Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 01:49:49 PM
Half the boxes are in and we're waiting for the rest to be delivered. They are coming out our ears :) No idea where to put the rest, but we'll figure it out.
A huge shout out to my friend and family who graciously helped. Y'all are the best!
Once we get the last half in (today and tomorrow), then I'll begin signing them and we'll start shipping them out.
August Update
7 months ago
– Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 06:39:26 PM
We're doing the August update early as we have been notified that the books have cleared customs and are on a train, heading to Georgia. They are supposed to arrive at the station in Georgia on July 31. At that point, the truck drivers will contact us for delivery. Once we have them, we will begin shipping them out as soon as we can. We're getting even closer!
As soon as they arrive, we will let everyone know!
Remember if you have any questions or need to changed your address, email us directly [email protected]
July Update
8 months ago
– Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 10:21:56 AM
Happy July backers!
We have good news. We've been told that the books are set to arrive when Sherri and Carol are in North Carolina. We are really hoping they get here before she leaves or after she gets back, but right now we've been told they'll be here July 12-15.
Once we get them in, we will begin shipping them out ASAP. We're getting close!
Remember if you have any questions or need to changed your address, email us directly [email protected]
In the meantime, here are the four books together!
June Update
8 months ago
– Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 08:15:47 AM
We are still waiting for the books to arrive. As soon as we have them in, we will post far and wide to let everyone know. The printing company did airmail us a few copies and you can see just how beautiful they are. The final set is amazing:
We are so sorry for all the delays. Please remember that this was our first Kickstarter and we had no idea just how much time it would take to get all 4 volumes out. Or how much time it would take to cart tens of thousands of books to the post office.
Now that we have the 4 volumes together as a set, we are looking for a new printer for volume 5 so that hopefully it won't take so long to get it through production and into our hands.
Because we wanted the 4 books to be a perfect set, we weren't able to change printers once we started the process with Volume 1. Since book 5 is technically a "stand alone," we can look at other options.
Once we have volumes 3 & 4 out, then we will be able to put volume 5 into production. We don't have an ETA on that yet as we are still waiting on 3 & 4 to arrive and we don't have enough room to store three volumes of books in my house. Due to the weight of the books, it would significantly delay shipping time if we stored volume 5 somewhere else and then moved it to my house, a carload at a time. The weight of the books is significant, both in hardcover and trade. And this process is the quickest way to get the books out to backers.
We're sorry for the delays, but we are eagerly waiting on the books to come in and have our volunteers on standby for their arrival. Just as soon as we receive them, we will begin filling orders.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us directly: [email protected]
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding,
Jake, Sheri, Kim & Sherri
Phase One Support Ends June 30, 2024
9 months ago
– Tue, May 14, 2024 at 01:29:26 PM
Phase One Support Ends June 30, 2024
PHASE ONE refers to all previously shipped and digitally delivered rewards related to this campaign. This includes extra merchandise, added on merchandise, all Paladin boxes, Volume 1 & 2 (eBooks, hardbacks, trades) and Volume 3 & 4 eBooks. This does not include new purchases made after this update.
Bounced Shipments for Phase One Items.
If you moved or for any other reason your package was returned, we have reached out via email many times to arrange another mailing attempt. If you received an email, reply to it immediately so that we can get your returned rewards to you. If we do not hear from you by June 30, 2024, those rewards will be forfeited, and no attempt will be made to ship any remaining rewards to you without an address correction. There are no refunds. Thank you for understanding.
Incomplete Backer Surveys
For the few backers who never completed your survey, we have sent numerous emails since the campaign ended. We will attempt once more to reach you. If you fall into this group, you have not received any phase one rewards at all. Please complete your survey immediately. We will not be able to ship any rewards for these pledges after June 30, 2024, and we are unable to provide refunds.
Support will still be available for the following:
Volume 3, 4 and 5 hardbacks and trades, Volume 5 eBooks
eBooks for Volumes 3 and 4 are now available for download. Emails were sent to each backer who chose the Quarterly eBooks with your link. You can access them from your Backerkit account at any time:
Some backers have asked why we went ahead and released the eBooks for Volumes 3 & 4 before we shipped the physical books. We reevaluated the best and most expeditious way to serve our backers and fulfill everyone’s pledges for those books. Given the amount of technical support that was requested by backers during the fulfillment of Volumes 1 & 2, we didn’t want to have to stop shipping physical books in order to assist backers with downloads and answer emails during this phase of fulfillment. We wanted to make sure that once we received the physical books, all our time would be dedicated to shipping them as quickly as possible.
Volume 3 and 4 hardbacks and trades are still in the production phase and will begin shipping as soon as we have them in hand. Sherrilyn will update everyone with the details once they are available. You can ask her personal questions about that in her weekly chats: http://darkhunter.tv
Volume 5 is still in the creation phase and all versions, eBook, hardbacks and trades will be fully supported until the last package is shipped and received. Please note that no Volume 5 eBook will be released until after the last physical book has shipped to backers. Once we have shipped the last physical copy of Volume 5 to backers, we will then release the eBook link.
If you have questions about your rewards or the campaign, please email us directly at [email protected] as we are trying to fulfill orders and provide support for backers. Please make sure to include your first and last name, the email address you used for the pledge and your correct current physical mailing address. Without that information, we will not be able to find your pledge in order to assist you. In order for us to better concentrate on serving our backers, please note that we won’t be responding to messages about individual pledges or orders left in the Kickstarter comments section or any other online page, forum or discussion group. We need you to contact us directly through our email [email protected]
We deeply appreciate your patience, contribution and participation in bringing this dream project alive. We know from answering Sherrilyn’s emails all these years just how many fans have wanted to read these books together and it’s been a privilege to be able to finally give this to you. This has truly been a team effort between our small staff, the fans and Sherrilyn’s imagination. We work hard on providing backer and fan support for this project and everything else Sherrilyn McQueen/Kenyon. We can’t wait for everyone to have their full set of books to love and cherish for years to come, and we will be posting photos as soon as the books arrive and we begin shipping.
Thank you for your understanding, and please continue to be patient with us. We apologize again for the many unexpected delays, but be assured you will receive the next three book volumes just as soon as we can get them out to you.
Best always,
Jake, Kim & Staff