
Acheron & Styxx: House of Didymos

Created by Sherrilyn McQueen

Acheron & Styxx took the world by storm. Now, fifteen years later, the immortal twins are united for the first time into a single set.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 06:19:47 AM

We have Glass House Graphics back on board to do our illustrations for the novels! Those who are familiar with my Marvel Lords of Avalon comics, Simi's ABCs and New York Times bestselling Dark-Hunters manga have seen their work and know just how incredibly awesome it is! I can't wait to see what they come up with as they have never disappointed me yet with their incredible work.

For those unfamiliar, here is a sample of what they've done in the past:

Survey - Please read
over 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 05:58:24 AM

We were just notified by a backer that a survey has been sent out to our backers without our knowledge or permission. We have no idea where this is coming from and it is "not" being sent out by us, nor are we asking this information from you. If you receive this email please "do not" respond:

Thanks for backing our project.
Please click on the link below to complete your order and help us build a better product:

The Sherrilyn Kenyon Team 

As all of you know, we absolutely never refer to ourselves as The Sherrilyn Kenyon Team. Your information is secure and safe and we are protecting it. But we wanted to let you know that we are not asking for any information regarding your purchase at this time, so please ignore any survey you receive. We will be posting here and on the main campaign back to let you know when we send them out. Our surveys are being handled by Backerkit.

Thank you,

Jake, Kim, Lara, Carl, Madaug and crew.

Patches are in!
over 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 03:33:35 AM

The bonus patches for backers are in and they are gorgeous!!

Free to the first 4500 backers of $40 tier and above

We are in the home stretch of the campaign, so time is fast running out to get those pledges in. Less than two weeks remain. 

We know some of you are still having trouble with the system. What we've been told is you have to reconfirm your old pledge in order to add the new volume i.e. replace whatever tier you had originally pledged and then as you're checking out again, then you can add in the fifth volume to your order, along with any other additional items you want.

Once the campaign ends, we'll send out the survey to get final information from everyone for shipping and we'll double check all addresses before we send any materials to you to make sure that it's current.

We can't thank our backers enough! We are so excited! 

There have been a few bumps with us figuring out how the system works and for that we do apologize, but now we seems to be swimming along nicely. 

We are almost to our stretch goal, so help spread the word. Remember, the more backers we have the more bonuses we can include for all backers.

And if you're looking for more fun campaigns to back, please check out these great authors!

Thomas K. Carpenter

And Sarah Biglow

Thanks so much!


New Stretch Goal
almost 3 years ago – Fri, May 13, 2022 at 10:19:57 PM

Since we received so many questions from fans during the YouTube live stream, we wanted to post another update explaining what has happened with the fifth volume so that everyone is on the same page and fully understands what is going on with this campaign and what the new replacement stretch goal for that fifth volume is. 

Many fans were worried that we wouldn't make the goal for the fifth volume and they really wanted the book regardless of the stretch goal as it was an integral  part to Ash's and Styxx's story that they've been waiting for, and Sherri agreed that it was an integral part of their story. They began writing us multiple emails and posts, requesting us to reconsider the stretch goal and to make the  fifth book available as part of the 4 volume set. The last thing we want is to make anyone upset so we did as fans requested and moved that  stretch goal into an additional add-on purchase.

But the last thing we and especially Sherri want is to take anything away from any fan. So, we have a new stretch goal to replace that fifth volume. 

The new stretch goal:

Should we reach 3.5 million dollars in pledges, Sherri is still planning to and will write another book for  this campaign that will be sent for free as originally promised to anyone who has pledged the $40 and above tiers. It will be a story centered around Simi.

In order to get the Simi story, no one will have to make any changes to their existing tiers or pledges. Again, it is a stretch goal to replace the fifth volume. If we reach the 3.5 million dollars in pledges, it will be given as a bonus to those who pledge $40 and above tiers. So round-up your family, friends and co-workers, maybe even a few enemies to get that Simi story!

Adjusting Pledges
almost 3 years ago – Fri, May 13, 2022 at 04:51:17 AM

First, let us DEEPLY apologize. We didn't realize how difficult it was going to be to adjust pledges and we are so sorry for the stress that has caused anyone.

Let us assure you that no tier has "gone away." The only tiers that are no longer available were simply the duplicates we had for "signed" books. Since Sherri said that she would personally sign EVERY copy of every book we ship, we simply retired those tiers because they were duplicates. All the original tiers are still available and you can still pledge whichever one you signed up for originally or that you want.

If you have a tier and you want to adjust what you have to include the fifth volume, then what you need to do are these steps:

Click the button that will have "manage my pledge" or some similar sounding verbiage (we learned that different browsers will have different buttons and language). But all browsers have a means to adjust your pledge. If you can't find it or have trouble making it work, please contact Kickstarter for tech support as that's on their end and sadly, we can't fix any technical issues on their site.

Once you are in the "manage pledge" area that allows you to add on other items, you will have to reconfirm your original pledge tier or it will erase it. We don't know why, but you will have to reconfirm your pledge and then "add-on" the additional volume and other items you wish. We're so sorry for this, but again it's how the Kickstarter platform works.

Again, we are so sorry for any stress or upset this has caused anyone.

Some have asked about combining ebooks with the fifth volume. We didn't want to start cluttering the tiers. So we left them as separate add-ons. 

The reason we didn't do a combined set with the fifth volume was again, we were trying to keep from having so many tiers for fans to scroll through. We know how confusing it can get when you're trying to figure out which one you wanted. Also, we knew that some fans would only want volume 5 and we thought that this was the best way to accomplish that for everyone. 

We've had a couple of people ask about the slipcovers being add-ons if we don't meet that stretch goal. Because these are not books, we can do a survey at the end of the campaign and see how many of you want them. If we have enough people wanting them, then those can be produced as a separate item and made available. Sherri will be doing a video later today to explain the ins and outs of this. Please stay-tuned this evening.

Again, this is our first Kickstarter campaign and we're learning along with you. Thank you so much for your patience. You can always reach us at [email protected]  if you have questions.
